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[武器] 美国关于J10的一个文章 是烟雾弹吗?

cqxsd88888888 發表於 2006-12-23 11:32:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 6500|回覆: 1
DOD seemed to offer a re-assessment of the capabilities of China’s F-10 fighter, which it previously had compared to the F-16 Block 30. (See “Washington Watch: Chinese Military Is Catching Up—Fast,” September 2005, p. 12.) In this latest version of the annual China report, the Pentagon said the F-10 is probably more comparable to the Eurofighter Typhoon and French Rafale, considered among the top three fighters in the world today, after the US F-22A. The Pentagon expects more than 1,200 F-10s will be built, and improved versions—the F-10A and “Super-10”—are in advanced development.
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大意:美國防部重新評估J10後認為10更能跟被認為世界最優秀的3大戰鬥機中雙風(陣風及EF2000颱風)相提並論,而不是先前所認為的F16 BLK30!10號預計將生產1200架以上,同時兩個版本(A 型及超-10)正處於攻堅階段
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, H' Y/ n6 R( S( [/ x, v6 h2 z5 {不知道這是不是中國威脅論,我都有點不相信了,呵呵,如果是論機動性能,陣風不如J10,我還相信,但是要和EF2000比,那是有差距的,這個我和J10廠家的一位航電工程師一起交流過,他自己說的。
我是南方 發表於 2006-12-23 13:38:50 | 顯示全部樓層
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